Today is World Down Syndrome Day. This day has been around since 2012 and is spearheaded by Down Syndrome International. Its purpose is to educate the world on Down Syndrome and how individuals with Down Syndrome need to be valued and appreciated in their communities. Down Syndrome International has linked up with national charities across the world to develop activities and events to raise awareness and highlight facts of what it is like to have Down Syndrome. The date for WDSD, 3/21, is significant because it symbolizes the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome, which is Down Syndrome. The colors for Down Syndrome awareness are blue and yellow. Wearing blue and/or yellow clothing or lighting something up with blue and yellow colors helps bring awareness to the cause. Here in Cork we are very proud of Down Syndrome Cork and Field of Dreams, Cork and all that the organisation does for its members and of course the fantastic people of all ages that are its members and do so much for our community and so much to brighten up our lives