Minister of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Patrick O’Donovan TD today addressed the Symposium on the Impact of Domestic Abuse and Coercive control in the Millennium Theatre, TUS Limerick Campus.
The focus of the symposium is to highlight the impact of the accredited continuous professional development Haven Horizons/TUS Level 6 training programme ‘Certificate in Reflecting on and Responding to Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control’ which is delivered through the Flexible Learning Department in TUS.
The professional development training was created by Haven Horizons in partnership with the Technological University of Shannon (TUS) for personnel in frontline services that deal with domestic abuse, and anyone whose work or volunteering will bring them into contact with victims or perpetrators of domestic abuse and coercive control.
Speaking today, Minister O’Donovan said: “I want to acknowledge the work that has gone into implementing this Haven Horizons/TUS Level 6 training programme – ‘Reflecting on and Responding to Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control’.
“This initiative has resulted in many first responders being trained in responding to domestic and sexual violence. Having the expertise needed to recognise the signs of abuse, understand the dynamics of coercive control, and provide support that can literally change and save lives.”
The Minister added: “Domestic abuse and coercive control are deep societal issues affecting people from all backgrounds, from all communities. Unfortunately, it is an aspect of everyday lives that often remains hidden from view or detection.
“My own Department has taken a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. I want to commend the work has been ongoing to effect this societal change in third level education.
“I am pleased that 17 Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Response Managers to enhance the capabilities of our higher education institutes and to support the Government’s zero tolerance approach to all forms of sexual violence and harassment.”